" fitness"

  • Jan 18, 2017
Exploring Senior-Friendly Sports

With so much attention focused around the importance of fitness over 50, exercise can seem more like…

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  • Dec 26, 2016
Senior-Certified Fitness Classes

Seniors can get a bad rap, people thinking that retirees are lazy or inactive, when in reality…

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  • Oct 26, 2016
The Importance of Aerobic Exercise for Seniors

October is Healthy Lung Month, which calls attention to the importance of keeping your lungs healthy and…

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  • Oct 10, 2016
Finding the Right Fitness Trainer for You

Whether you’re just beginning to learn about senior fitness programs or have been exercising for a while…

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  • Sep 14, 2016
Is it Time to Change your Fitness Routine?

Anyone who’s ever been on a weight loss journey knows that it’s usually those last 10 lbs.…

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  • Aug 10, 2016
Wearable Devices to Track Your Fitness

If you’ve been hearing the term, “wearable technology” a lot over the past year or so, you’re…

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  • Jan 1, 2016
Senior Celebrities Promoting Fitness

Exercise is certainly something that we all need, but let’s face it – we may need some…

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  • Dec 16, 2015
New Fitness Trend for Seniors: Functional Fitness

We should all know by now that exercise promotes a long and healthy life, but it can…

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  • Dec 2, 2015
Fight Aging With Fitness

It’s an unfortunate reality that many older adults let their age keep them from remaining physically active,…

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  • Jun 5, 2015
Taking Advantage of Fitness Classes on YouTube

We all know how hard it is to keep that New Year’s resolution of exercising and getting…

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