Difference between a medical alert & medical identification bracelets

  • March 18, 2022
Difference between a medical alert & medical identification bracelets

If you’re in the market for an easy-to-wear medical bracelet, there are many to choose from. So how do you pick the one that’s right for you or your loved one?  

The first step is to ask: Why do I need one? The following short blog will explain the difference between medical identification bracelets and medical alert bracelets and how to select the one you need. While both products are helpful and potentially life-saving devices, they fulfill unique needs. 

Why wear a medical bracelet? 

Think of wearing a medical bracelet like strapping on your seatbelt when getting into a car. While it’s unlikely you will get into an accident, if you do, you’re prepared. It’s the same for accidents in your home. About 1 in 4 older adults experience a fall once a year, and 60% of falls occur at home. Taking the appropriate precautions, such as wearing an alert bracelet, can help prevent serious injury. Wearable devices prioritize your health and safety, by planning ahead, just like wearing a seatbelt in a car.  

What is a medical alert device? 

A wearable medical alert is a preventative device that can be activated before, during, or after an emergency. Since the alerts are wearable, they are always within reach at the exact moment needed. Many of these devices also have a way to speak into them to request immediate help. This is especially useful if you or a loved one falls, and a phone is not within reach.  

Medical alerts can be worn in several ways, such as a medical alert bracelet, clip on device, or as an emergency button necklace. They also come as in-home medical alert systems. Most have an automatic fall detection feature, which means if you fall and are not able to push the call button, the device will send an emergency response on its own.  

A medical alert device or system is active 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Then if you or a loved one needs to use the device, a call is placed to a person who has access to your emergency information, such as basic medical history and emergency contacts. At Medical Guardian, your call is received by skilled life safety consultants who are US-based and trained to react in emergencies. They will call a friend, family member or emergency services on your behalf.  

What is a medical identification bracelet? 

A medical identification bracelet holds a brief amount of information within the bracelet. If you’re unable to share information in an emergency, the bracelet shares the information for you. Typically, chronic conditions such as asthma, heart conditions, diabetes, hypertension, behavioral health conditions and more may be found on the bracelet. This ensures you receive accurate medical care. 

This type of bracelet can be worn by everyone – from newborns to the elderly. And more than 95% of emergency responders say they look for a medical identification bracelet as soon as they arrive at an emergency. The bracelets are supportive in a moment of crisis, offering information when emergency help arrives.  

Which is right for you? 

Now that you understand the difference between a medical alert device and a medical identification bracelet, you may be wondering which is right for you or your loved one. The answer does not have to be an either/or situation. Many aging adults and people with chronic illnesses benefit from both, depending on individual needs. Others find that they are comfortable with just a medical alert bracelet. 

As always, talk to your medical professional about your specific medical condition and if you require an identification bracelet, a medical alert system, or both. Since your family or loved ones may be your emergency contacts, discuss the options with them, too.  

If you are concerned about 24/7 protection and your ability to call for help, consider a Medical Guardian Medical alert device. While you may never need to use it, our Mobile Guardian medical alert devices ensure you receive help whenever you need it. Our round-the-clock emergency operators can pinpoint your location and send help directly to you—whether you’re simply relaxing at home or walking around the neighborhood. We have your covered. 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Director of Content

KEYWORDS: medical alert bracelet, medical alert bracelet for women, medical alert bracelet for men, medical alert systems, medical alert system with speaker in pendant, emergency button necklace

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