How to Survive Allergy Season

  • April 15, 2016
How to Survive Allergy Season

As we watch the winter snow slowly melt away, it’s a sure sign that spring is here to stay!

While we’re sure many of us rejoice at hearing this news, a downside to the weather changing so drastically in these spring months is the arrival of allergy season. Allergies may plague many of us, but luckily, there are some simple steps on how to survive allergy season.

Top Tips

If you’re like us and suffer from allergies every season like clockwork, keep reading to learn the top six tips on how to survive allergy season.

  1. Know the common warning signs. Contrary to popular belief, allergies affect everyone regardless of age. Some people may be more affected than others, but it’s important to be on the lookout of the common warning signs, like sneezing, itchy or watery eyes and a runny nose.
  2. Keep the air clean. You can’t control the pollen in the air outside your home, but you can control the air inside your home. On days with the highest pollen count, shut all the windows and doors. It may also be best to ask a family member or neighbor to change the air filters in your home at the beginning of each season to ensure the purest air is in your home.
  3. Seek immediate treatment. It can be easy to think that we can just muddle through allergy season, but allergies can have a serious impact on our overall health. Symptoms like an irritated throat or a congested nose can be especially dangerous for those with a cardiovascular health issue. Even if you’re not entirely sure if you’re suffering from allergies, it’s still best to speak with your doctor about your concerns. Remember: the sooner you seek treatment, the better.
  4. Avoid antihistamines. Although antihistamines are the common solution for treating allergies, they can be risky as most include drowsiness, dizziness and confusion as side effects. They could also potentially interfere with your regular medications, so it’s best to get a prescription from your doctor to treat your allergies.
  5. Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet can’t cure allergies, but it can certainly help ease allergy symptoms. The best foods to eat during allergy season are fish, fruits, vegetables, soups, and yogurt.
  6. Exercise. Being physically active is essential – not only during allergy season, but also all year-round! You may think it’s nearly impossible to exercise with allergies, but the key is taking these precautionary steps when exercising during allergy season.

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Another Consideration: When Spring Cleaning Backfires

Along with allergies, another thing that often goes hand-in-hand with the spring season is spring cleaning! While spring is the perfect time to get organized and clean your home after a winter-long hibernation, spring cleaning can stir up dust that triggers allergies.

So does this mean that you simply forgo spring cleaning this year? Certainly not! Cleaning is the only way to get that dust out of your home. The best way to handle this is simple: take care of yourself and your allergies first! Having an air purifier in your home is another simple solution that will help alleviate your allergies so you can get back to spring cleaning in no time.

While spring cleaning, it’s also important to be on the lookout for any mold in your home. One of the most common allergies is to mold, which can grow unseen in your home. If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms without obvious cause, be sure to talk to your doctor about the possibility of mold in your home.

For more spring cleaning safety tips, click here.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: how to survive allergy season

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