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Health Wellness
Blog Home Health & Wellness Heart Health: Supplement Perks Feb 23, 2021Preventative care for heart health, like maintaining a healthy diet, is important, but sometimes... read more Heart Health: Monitoring Medications Feb 16, 2021Congestive heart failure is the...
Can Physical Therapy Prevent Senior Falls?
With more than one in four adults over 65 suffering a fall each year, falls are the leading cause of injury for older adults in the United States. Many of these falls can create serious injuries that lead to long-term health complications and disabilities. However,...
Early Signs of Parkinson’s and What to Do About It
If you suspect you or a loved one might have symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD), learn the next steps to seek a diagnosis and move forward with life. Early detection of Parkinson’s disease can lead to a better quality of life and provide peace of mind...
How to Convince Your Parent to Use a Walker or Cane
Our risk of falls climb as we age — nearly one in four adults age 65 years or older suffer a fall annually. While aging might be inevitable, falls are not. It’s a myth that all older adults will suffer a fall. With the appropriate mindset, preparation...