What is a Medical Alarm System?

Medical Guardian Cellular base station device

A system designed to contact emergency help for the elderly, the Medical Guardian medical alert system has helped provide independence and safety for thousands of older Americans for over three decades. Using a medical alert pendant and a home base station, the Medical Guardian system offers 24 hour a day, 7 days per week monitoring. In the event of a debilitating fall, stroke, heart attack, fire, or home break-in, the button on the medical device can be pushed — alerting the monitoring center of an emergency. Through a two-way radio in the device, the trained and certified emergency responders communicate with the one in need. Either dispatching local police, fire, or ambulance services, or contacting friends or family, the responder will get immediate help for the injured senior.

The senior population will continue to grow and life spans will increase. This means many aging seniors face the difficult choice of remaining independent and living at home or face moving to an assisted living facility. The overwhelming majority of seniors want to remain living in their own homes. Research has found that continued independence and activity leads to longer life and increased positivity.

Is Medical Guardian Right for You?

Studies have found that one-third of those 65 and older will suffer at least one dangerous fall. Left alone and injured, a fall can be a very serious medical emergency. The longer one is left unattended, the greater the chance of permanent injuries. It might even become a life-threatening situation.

A medical alert system may be right for you if:

  • You have fallen, been hospitalized, or visited the emergency room in the past year.
  • You are alone for several hours during the day or night.
  • You have a chronic health condition or take daily medications.
  • You require assistance when bathing, dressing, or preparing meals.
  • You use a cane, wheelchair, walker, or other device for assistance with balance or walking.

Do I Need a Medical Alert if I Have a Cell Phone?

Tech-savvy seniors may feel that they have adequate protection through the use of their cellphone. While a cellphone is useful, especially if you are out-and-about, it lacks many of the features that make the Medical Guardian a top rated and doctor recommended medical alert device.


Medical Guardian - A Place for Mom: Senior Living Advisors
Medical Guardian -  Senior Advisor - senioradvisor.com

Medical Guardian testimonial from Mission Valley, California

Better Business Bureau